
With You

hardly reluctant but...

6 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

you guys may be jaded about this but i find this incredibly interesting. just read this bio for a couple of sections.

Fluffy McMostle a dit…

wow - is this the famous Justin Bieber I keep hearing about? He's amazing!

Ramon Bloomberg a dit…

did you check the wiki? amazing jew story there. fucking christians. Jew has to pay them off to work "make" the kid. incredible.

tobb a dit…

God, I love you Jew people with your Jew stories of Jew achievements.

Viva La Beiber!!!

I like this tie in. This is good for things in general.

Fluffy McMostle a dit…

If the hordes expressed such desire to incinerate you and all your people in the flames of hell as if you were the drug they were trying to shake the habit of, you'd also feel special. Especially after you watched them fall off the wagon yet another time. You're just feeding our gold-plated dangling egos, whitey.

tobb a dit…

Heh. Indeed. Viva Dangling Egos!